
Saturday, September 5, 2009

IMM Vlog (3)

Welcome one and all to another IMM Vlog! Don't mind the wet hair, I wanted to take this before I ran off to do a million errands, laundry and babysit.

People/Blogs mentioned:
Traveling to Teens
Lara M. Zeises' blog
Michelle Moran

Won in a contest:
The Sweet Life of Stella Madison by Lara M. Zeises

For review:
When the Whistle Blows by Fran Cannon Slayton
Defenders of the Scroll by Shiraz
Cleopatra's Daughter by Michelle Moran
Defining Twilight by Brian Leaf
The Other Side by Marley Gibson, Patrick Burns, and Dave Scrader
Ghost Huntress 2: The Guidance by Marley Gibson


  1. Yay Kristin loved your IMM. I got Defining Twilight too and am supposed to get Defenders of the Scroll! I am super psyched to read your review of When the Whistle Blows and OMG CLEOPATRA's DAUGHTER!

    Okay, now you read books so comment contest winners get more :-D LOL

  2. Great IMM! I'm looking forward to read your review about Cleopatra's Daughter.
    And Defender of the Scroll seems awesome.
    Congrats for winning The Sweet Life of Stella Madison, it looks intersting!

  3. Great books you got this week. Hope you enjoy reading them all.

  4. I got Cleopatra's daughter to!
    In fact I was very lucky this week, I'm posting my IMM soon =) Make sure to stop by ^^

  5. I got Cleopatra's daughter to!
    In fact I was very lucky this week, I'm posting my IMM soon =) Make sure to stop by ^^

  6. Great books! I want to read Cleopatra's Daughter. Looking foward to your review of it.

    Happy Reading!

  7. Awesome set of books you got there :)

  8. You got a lot of great books this week! Cleopatra's daughter looks like a really interesting read, and I'll definitely be adding it to my list. Happy reading!

  9. Defining Twilight is the only one on your list I've heard of. I'll look for your reviews of them & see if the books catch my attention.

  10. You always win!! Great books!! Enjoy!

  11. fantastical vlog! hope you enjoy all the books! you've got a lot to read! he he! happy reading!

  12. Great vlog and great books this week. I really want to read Cleopatra's Daughter and the Ghost Huntress books are on my TBR list. I can't wait for your reviews. =]

  13. You have a lot to read! I can't wait to read all of your reviews.

  14. I see Cleopatra's daughter everywhere! I am intrigued now.

  15. You are insanely lucky. WOOT BOOKS! :D

  16. Cleopatra's Daughter sounds pretty interesting.


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