
Monday, December 21, 2009

Favorite Fictional Couple of 2009

Alexa over at Not Enough Bookshelves put out an all call to see who our favorite couples were in the books we read this year. In fact, she'll give you some extra points in her contest if you post about it. So, I'm going to share mine.

Since I have this horrid obsession with bad boys. I have to say my favorite couple is Patch and Nora from Becca Fitzpatrick's book Hush, Hush.

And to prove how smoldering this boy Patch is, here's a quick excerpt:

"His black eyes sliced into me, and the corners of his mouth tilted up. My heart fumbles a beat and in that pause, a feeling of gloomy darkness seemed to slide like a shadow over me. It vanished in an instant, but I was still staring at him. His smile wasn't friendly. IT was a smile that spelled trouble. With a promise."
-p. 11

And that is just their first encounter. Can you say YUM!!!


  1. ooh! I have GOT to read this book! I don't remember enough about the books I read before I started blogging to pick a favorite fictional couple. I'm going to have to think about it a while before I post, I thinK!

  2. I totally agree!! Patch is the angel who makes us melt and swoon.

  3. I can't wait to read this book. Gret pick!!!

  4. :O! I just started reading this book. The very first chapter is a good start. Now I just can't WAIT to read the rest!! :D

  5. I haven't read this book yet, but my fave couple was Grace and Sam from Shiver!!!! they were just so cute and a pure lover.

  6. I keep hearing about this book! I am thinking it will have to make it onto that ever growing "to be read" list. Thanks for that excerpt!

    I've been reading the classics lately so for a non-modern pick I'd have to pick Jane and Mr. Rochester or for non-classic but historical fiction I'd go with the main couple from "The Witch of Cologne". Can't. Remember. Names! Aarrggghh!

  7. I think they made a good couple... eventually. But that excerpt doesn't exactly make me swoon. A non-friendly smile from a guy is usually pretty creepy... not sexy. :)

  8. Good choice! Way better than Bella and Edward.

  9. Loved this book!
    Agreed, Patch and Nora are the best couple of 2009!

  10. Great pick! Patch definitely is a bad boy.

  11. I'd have to say yest to Patch.... *swoons..*

  12. Thats awesome, this book sounds amazing and I'll definitely be checking it out at some point. Seeing as how I haven't read Hush Hush my favourite couple would be Katsa and Po from Graceling.

  13. I just finished Hush, Hush last night and loved it. The woman at Border's who sold it to me said that everyone who worked at the store had read it twice and that it was their favorite YA.

  14. Oh Patch! Great excerpt from the book.

    I don't think Patch and Nora would be my favorite couple in books this year, but I'm not sure who it would be. Great pick though :D

  15. I really really have to read this. Hoping for Christmas or a giftcard to get it with.

  16. I have got to read Hush, Hush. There has been so much hype about this book but I'm thinking I won't be disappointed. I'm dying to meet Patch!

  17. Grace and Sam from Shiver were my favorites this year :)

  18. I have yet to read that one, but I'm definitely going to make a point of putting it on my list of to reads :)

  19. I do own a copy of Hush Hush but have not gotten around to reading yet. Hopefully I will soon.

  20. Thanks for sharing. I love a bad boy so I must get to Hush, Hush.

    Good Luck in the contest!

  21. I'm not really sure which couple I'd choose but Nora and Patch would definitely be on up there on the list. Great pick. :D


  22. I love this post! I'm going to have to go check out all the other nominees.


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