
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Holiday Break Reading Challenge List

Holiday Break Reading Challenge

So, I feel like procrastinating on some housework and thought I'd post a list of the books I want/need to read over this holiday break.

I've already finished Firespell by Chloe Neill and am currently working on Pretty Little Devils by Nancy Holder.

So, contest books I HAVE to read because they'll be sent out after New Years:
Hate List by Jennifer Brown
Geek Girl's Guide to Cheerleading by Charity Tahmaser and Darcy Vance

Books started that need finishing:
Looking for Alaska by John Green
Sea Glass by Maria V. Snyder
Ballads of Suburbia by Stephanie Kuehnert

Review books:
Possessions by Nancy Holder
Wicked by Nancy Holder
Wicked 2 by Nancy Holder
Resurrection by Nancy Holder
The Cave by Steve McGill
9 Capstone books (quick reads)
Freaks & Revelations by Davida Wills Hurwin
Lost Worlds by John Howe
Ghost Huntress 1&2 by Marley Gibson
Children of the Dawnland by Kathleen O'Neal Gear and W. Michael Gear
City of Fire by Lawrence Yep

Library books:
The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt
The Mozart Question by Michael Morpugo
Rare Beasts by Charles Ogden
Under Town by Charles Ogden
Pet's Revenge by Charles Ogden
High Wire by Charles Ogden

We'll start with those and see how far I get...


  1. looks like you've chosen a lot of great books so keep yourself occupied over the break. Have fun!

  2. man, dont think I could ever keep up.
    I thought I read a lot till now, lol

  3. That is a lot of reading. I doubt I would be able to get through that much over break, but good luck!

  4. Ok my list seems really really small after looking at yours! Have fun!

  5. Wow looks like you have a lot of books to get through. Of those I have read Looking for Alaska and I have started Hate List but haven't finished it. Good luck with your reading.

  6. Wow, so many awesome books! I've heard a lot about Ballads of Surburbia but haven't read it, and Hate List was pretty good. Enjoy, and happy holidays! :)

  7. Wow! That is a big list. Good luck!

  8. Fantastic reads! If you sit down with Looking for Alaska for just a few short hours you can finish it! It's a super quick read.

  9. Good luck and happy reading. I'm trying to catch up on reading too.

  10. Is that 2 or more books a day? How do you do it?


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