
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Holiday Break Reading Challenge Activity #9


So, Karin found this fun comic:

And challenged us to talk about 1. Christopher Moore's books - which I haven't read... or 2. zombies!!!

I actually did some fun posts a while back for Zombie week:

Zombie book videos and infection rate!
A Zombie interview!
And more recently... a review of My Rotten Life

My husband actually has this cool zombie anthology called The Living Dead and I really enjoyed one of the stories about a teacher who keeps zombie children chained up and tries to teach them. She defends the school with a rifle from any adult zombies. It was really interesting. I've been meaning to read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, but haven't gotten to it yet. :)


  1. I will have to see bout the New years readathon.... sounds like a good time to me! :)

  2. Thanks for the great zombie post ideas for the challenge! I gave you credit and added the zombie bite test to my post. This is a lot of fun, isn't it?

  3. Excellent post. Thanks for the extra zombie info.

  4. I love the sign from your parents.
    Home is Where Your Story Begins.

    Enjoy your presents.

  5. "Drop to the floor and go into the fetal position" - that would be me straight off the bat.

    Great zombie info and fun stuff!

  6. I'm beginning to appreciate zombies :D

  7. Great cartoon. I love Christopher Moore's books and actually just finished The Stupidest Angel. Entertaining reading.

  8. Awesome stuff. I haven't read any of Christopher Moore's books either but I've heard they're good.

  9. There are a ton of zombie movies out there and I kinda wish there were more zombie books :)


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