
Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Witchy Worries of Abbie Adams

The Witchy Worries of Abbie Adams
by Rhonda Hayter

Summary (via Goodreads):
Abbie Adams and her family come from a long line of witches, and she’s having a tough time keeping it a secret from her best friend and the rest of her school, especially the day her little brother morphs into a wolf and tries to eat his teacher. That’s also the day her father brings home a kitten.

But when Abbie looks into the kitten’s eyes, she realizes there’s a boy in there! He’s under a spell and soon the whole family bands together to rescue him.

They are shocked to realize he’s none other than the young Thomas Edison, and if they don’t save him fast, he’ll never change the world with his inventions.

The way that Rhonda has magic set up in this world reminds me a bit of Sabrina the Teenage Witch - only a bit different. It has that same easy way to relate to magic. I love the aspect of traveling back into different time periods like you would travel to Hawaii on vacation. I really enjoyed the characters as well. The struggle that Abbie had with not being able to tell her best friend about her powers really explained their friendship.

Some of the powers were quite funny as well. Such as how emotions affect them. Her father is quite interesting as a witch doctor trying to figure out the cure to the witch flu. I really just dug into this book and the melding of history with fantasy in a modern setting.

I hope to see more from Rhonda in the future. I think a lot of my girls would love this book and I'll definitely be buying for my library next year.

5/5 Roses

Buy it on Amazon*
Find it on Goodreads

*If you buy this book via the link above, I will receive a small portion of the sales.

This book was provided by Traveling ARC Tours.


  1. yay! I love Sabrina the Teenage Witch!
    This sounds super cute!

  2. Seems like this would be a very cute book! I am going to recommend it to my favorite tween reader--who is turning into quite the booky :)

  3. Nice review!

    I left you an award on my blog so if you get a second swing by & check it out!

  4. Great review!

    I love books like this, and am adding to my want list!

  5. SO glad you loved this book! I thought it was wonderful and agree that kids in the middle grade level will definitely cling to this one.

  6. My copy just arrived 10 minutes ago. It looks so adorable!

  7. Great review, I've been wanting to read this book.


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