
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Blogoversary Giveaway #1

So, I may ramble on the next few days about myself, but I'm thinking better of it. So here's what I'm going to do. Leave a comment below with a question you have about me, my blog, or whatever and I will answer them throughout the week. It also counts towards the Comment Contest (see previous post for details).

I do have to say some tear-y eyed type stuff right now and that is basically.. I love you guys. No, really... this is probably the most rewarding hobby I've ever picked up and it's because of the community around me. Yeah, we have our drama sometimes, but it all fizzles out eventually. I've gotten married, started a career and moved in the last year and you guys have been on here every step supporting me and making me feel apart of something awesome. So, thank you for being great.

Okay, now that you've sat through that - today I will be giving away a signed ARC of Hourglass by Claudia Gray!

1. Contest will end Tuesday, June 15th
2. Open to US Only.
3. Fill out the form below to enter.

Please fill out the form below!


  1. we should be thanking YOU for being so great! your blog sure has come a long way :)

  2. Let's see...

    Out of the author's that you have interviewed who do you think gave the best answers?

    What's your favorite book that you have reviewed in this year?(if you have to you can do a top 5) ;-)

    Happy Blogoversary!

  3. oooo, those are good questions! Lets see...I'll kinda add to her first question..

    What author have you enjoyed meeting the most in real life?

    (and of course all of us readers love you too!)

  4. Not book related:
    What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon when you were a kid? Which character did you like best and why?

  5. Hmm..I'm a new blogger so I really want to think about this :)

    Okay, what advice would you give me about blogging? And what was the most important thing you have learned while blogging?

    Thanks for the contest!

  6. my question:

    if you can be any YA character from any YA book you've ever read, which one would you be and why?

  7. Found out about your Blogoversary from Book Rat and wanted to stop by and say congrats!

  8. Congrats and Happy Blogosversary! You've accomplished so much and do a wonderful job!! :)

    I've had a wonderful time blogging as well but it's hard work and there are always challenges. What do you think has been your biggest challenge and how did you handle it?

  9. Being a part of the book blog community is very rewarding.

    Congrats on your blogoversary!

    My question is how often during the week do you spend visiting other book blogs?

  10. How do you balance blogging/reading/real life?

  11. Hmm what to ask. I know, do you like music? If so, what are your favourite bands etc.?

  12. Happy Happy Happy Blogversary to you!

    and here is to many years to come :)

  13. A very happy blogoversary to you.

  14. Happy blogoversary! This is a pretty amazing community, isn't it!

  15. Happy blogoversary! A year is a great accomplishment. Sounds like you've had a lot of changes going on, but blogging was one of your constants.

    My question is: where's your favorite place to read?

  16. My question is how did you come up with your blog name? What gave you the idea to start a book blog?

  17. Happy Anniversary.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  18. Question:
    Do you remember the first book that really made you go "wow" and keep reading or have you been a reader for as long as you can remember?

  19. Congrats! Here's my question: How long does it usually take for you to finsih a book?

  20. Congratulations and Happy Blogoversary!

    Do your friends and family know about/read your blog?

  21. Awww! You're so sweet Kristen! Hope we can meet in person one day - maybe BEA next year?

  22. Happy Almost Bloggoversary!~
    Your blog is amazing!

  23. Happy one year anniversary!

  24. I'm not entering this giveaway since I already have this book but my question is:

    Who are your favorite bloggers and what are your favorite bookish sites?

    Also, for a question about you, what is your favorite thing about where you live and what movies are you looking forward to this year?

  25. Congrats!

    What would you say is the most important lesson that you've learned through blogging so far?

  26. What is favorite thing about blogging?

  27. Happy blogoversary!

    What is the hardest thing you've found about blogging?

  28. Happy Blogoversary!! And thanks for the contest! :D

  29. I love this series. And I am sure whoever wins will too!!

  30. I love reading your blog and reviews :)

    Happy Blogoversary!!

  31. Aww that's so sweet! :)
    We love you too! And your blog is a daily thing that I read.

  32. Aw! Bloggers are such friendly people!

    Okay I have a question, if you could spend the day in any author's world, who would you choose?

  33. What an inspiring year you've had!

  34. yes, thank YOU for being so generous to us!!!

    What was your reasoing for starting a blog?

    Do you have any advice for a successful blog?

    Thanks again! And congrats on 1 year!!!

  35. question: how did you manage to snag so many ARCs and books in your one year of blogging?

  36. Thank you for being such a fab blogger! I just have a questions regarding reviews. I tend to babble on until my review actually reaches about 500-600 words, so I wonder if you personally think it is OK to write a long review or I better keep it short?


Leave some love!