
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

ALA, GenCon and Replies

So, a few different events have led to me not going to ALA this summer. Which makes me sad, but well, that's life.

1. I have no money
2. My aunt not only had plans but now has fractured her ankle

But, if anyone is going to GenCon in Indianapolis in August, let me know! My husband is a geeky gamer and I might get a wee bit bored. I'm bringing some books and plan on hitting up the anime section of the conference, but it would be nice to hang out with someone when my hubby is busy.

Comment Replies:

Also, I've been thinking on this for a while, but replying to comments... Do you guys reply to the comments on your blog? Do you want me to start replying? I haven't been because I figured no one would be stalking my blog for replies, but I can if you want to hear from me. :)


  1. Reply comments can be good. I try to but I don't always only cause I don't always have something to say back. But, interaction is good.

  2. As a reader of blogs - When I leave a comment/question that I hope will garner a response, I always follow the comments. So, I hope for a reply :D

    As a blogger - I try and acknowledge the comments on my blog, sometimes it works, and sometimes, well, I am not going to respond to a dozen "Thanks".

  3. I try to respond to comments that say something positive about my blog and thank the commentor, or answer a question they pose to me, but sometimes I just let it go. It depends.

  4. :(

    And I sometimes comment on my blog, for example when I pose questions to readers, though not really on my review posts. Mostly, I just try to comment back on their blogs. :)

  5. I always try to reciprocate by visiting anyone who leaves a message. I guess I just want to make sure they know how much a comments means to me.

    Obviously with your commenting contest that would be impossible.

  6. I will generally reply if it is a question I can answer or something I have a reaction to. But I usually do it through email. However, I tend to also reply in my own comments very blue moon if it something I think everyone can benefit from.

  7. Sometimes I reply, if the person asks me a question or something like that but like you, I'm not sure about replying to comments so much.

  8. I enjoy receiving replies from blogs that I have commented on. It's a nice gesture because it shows me that the blogger actually reads the comments :)

  9. Hope your aunt is doing better.

  10. I generally reply to comments on my blog if someone ask questions regarding the books I just reviewed.

  11. My blog is still very much a work in progress but I try to reply when there are comments. But I dont always remember to check back, and I kind of figured it was the same with many others. If you have a comment back then I would say go ahead and reply.


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