
Thursday, July 29, 2010

An Ode to Coffee

Oh, coffee.. I love the smell of your bitter wonderfulness. My coffee maker has been neglected for the beautiful espresso machine I now have, but it all smells the same. Espresso is a fantastic creation that only a picture can describe:

A cup a day, keeps the grumpy Kristen monster away. :)


  1. Ah yes. Coffee. Awesome, wonderful coffee. I prefer hot chocolate myself. But a cuppa cappuchino will do too... or any variety of a nice, milky, warm beverage, really.

    Beautiful ode to coffee :)

  2. Oh how I miss coffee!! Ever since I became pregnant I haven't drank more than 2-3 cups in total when I used to have that every day!! I can not wait for the day when I can get back to my coffee addiction.

  3. Hear hear! I would not be able to function EVER without my coffee. What kind of espresso machine do you have? The BF and I have been toying with the idea of getting one, but don't know which brands to look at.

  4. I never could stand coffee despite loving the taste... until last week. Me and my friend both tried different coffees from our work machine. I really want to try a mocha :)

    As it currently stands, I quite like a latte :P

  5. My husband actually works for Starbucks and he gets a pound of free coffee a week and the funny thing is we don't make coffee at the house. But we both drink it at work.

  6. Although I'm Italian-Canadian and ALL my family members drink coffee I actually prefer tea!

  7. I'm a tea drinker myself but love the smell of coffee. I keep a machine and organic coffee in the freezer for visiting coffee lovers. Sometimes I take the bag out, unroll the top and breath it in!!

  8. This brought a smile to my face. I like you, need a cup or two a day, to keep the Grumpy Jules Monster Away - in fact, I'm approach at your own risk, if I haven't had my morning cup of coffee.


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