
Friday, September 17, 2010

BBAW - Future Treasures

I want to first off thank all the participants of Blogmania for stopping by and wow, I gained 60 followers without even requiring them to follow, which just feels fantastic. I'll have winners posted later today.

Also, sorry about the lack of Link a Contest Thursday - I think most of us had our hands full with Blogmania. It will be up next week!

So, it's been a great year on my blog and I always know what I want to do more of. So, here what I want to work on for the future:

  • More reviews. I tend to be on and off with this and I think I may add some features that will let me post about books I love every week instead of relying on what I've read and getting reviews posted ASAP. So you get a peak at what I like and then also what I'm reading.
  • Keeping up. I can be a moody blogger some weeks and I just need to train myself to keep up with all my features and reviews. I do try to read as much as possible so I usually have plenty to review on the blog.
  • Commenting more. This is sort of the reason I created The Sunday Blues - I need a way to push me to comment more on the blogs I love. I may set up some sort of checklist for the blog to do daily or weekly if possible.
So those are my goals. I really had fun this year, keeping up with features, creating new ones... and just reading more than I had last year at this point. I started this blog to share my reviews and love for reading and I hope to keep doing that in the coming year.


  1. I always find commenting to be one of those things I wish I was better at. I must try harder.

  2. Those are some great goals and things I struggle with too. While I read the posts, I don't always comment on them and really should. You've given me some good stuff to think about!

  3. May you continue reading great books and blog about those for us!

    Here is my BBAW: Forgotten Treasures post!

  4. I have a hard time with commenting too. Good goals!

  5. There just doesn't ever seem to be enough time to comment on all the blogs you want! Love your header and now I'm really curious about Blogomania!! Sorry I missed it.

  6. Excellent goals, Kristen. It's hard commenting so much when you have a ton of other things to commit too!

    OH and congrats on gaining 60 followers! You rock :-)

  7. Personally I think you're doing an excellent job so far! Good luck with the goals!

  8. I think you do a pretty good job at having a lot of reviews posted; Congrats on all of the new followers!

  9. Congratulations on all your new followers, Kristen. You deserve it :)

    I enjoyed reading your goals, it inspires me to make some goals for my blog.

    I feel that commenting has been much easier since I switched from Google Reader to Feedemon(here I can leave a comment on most blogs right in my reader - saves a lot of time and I have time to leave comments on more blogs than before).

  10. Please consider this comment your invitation to finish up your BBAW week by adding a link to any reviews you've managed to post this week to the Saturday Review of Books at Semicolon this Saturday. Every week book bloggers from all over the blogosphere post links to their reviews and other bloggers and readers check out the reviews and find even more books to add to their wishlists.

    Thanks for blogging and reading and sharing.

  11. I think the Sunday Blues meme's a great idea - I haven't seen anything like it on any other blogs, and it has gotten some neglected posts of mine some more comments - so thanks! :)

  12. I think we all struggle at times and I love Sunday Blues. :)

  13. it's always nice getting comments! though sometimes I find it hard to make a comment

  14. haha! Moody Blogger?! I think you do a fantastic job of keeping up with things, especially since I know u not only have a job, but also a hubby, lol!
    Do u cook dinner too? I'm just curious, cuz I'm awful at keeping up and dont even cook dinner after work- I just wash off my makeup and fall asleep, lol


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