
Monday, August 3, 2009


by Karlijn Stoffels
Translated by Laura Watkinson

Synopsis (from Barnes & Noble)

Smee was born with a great gift: the ability to sing other people's stories and heal their pain. But Mee also carries his own pain -- his failure to reach his deaf mother and heal her grief at his father's death. As he travels the country, he eases many people's sorrows, but he cannot connect with anyone himself.

Mitou also has a gift: spreading joy through a few notes from her accordion. When she hears about Mee--who was born on the same day she was--she knows that surely they belong together, each of them helping others through their music.

They finally meet on the way to the king's castle to sing for the beautiful Princess Esperanza. But will Mitou's hopes be fulfilled--or is the pain of the past too great?

This book really surprised me. I really, for once, had no clue what the book was about before I read it. Bad me, not reading the jacket description. I was very surprised to find a sort of fantasy, olden-times story about a boy who sings sorrowful tunes and helps those mourn the death of others, as well as a girl who sings just as lovely, but inspires dance and joy in all who hear her.

I loved the way Mee (Barnes and Noble got the name wrong, so I changed their description slightly) travels and when he encounters someone who recently died, he pulls their life out into a song. I like how the author shared the stories behind the various encounters of these people, along with the princess who would not stop staring in the mirror.

It was a lovely, but short novel that took you away and and kept you completely entranced.

5/5 Roses

(This book is a hardcover, signed by both the author and translator, and is up for grabs in the August Comment Contest.)


  1. This book sounds interesting! Plus, I love the cover. It's pretty. :) Great review! It's a fantasy?

    oh, you have awards from us. :D

    - Alex

  2. I've heard of this one before...but was thrown off by the different cover (or perhaps the description I saw earlier didn't have a cover?). Good review!

  3. Now I really want to read this book...

  4. That sounds like a sweet sad book.

  5. This sounds really good! Off to add it to my TBR list!

  6. This sounds so interesting. I'm happy to see more fantasy that isn't all faeries and goblins, lately. A girl ho plays the accordian sounds genius.

  7. I love the cover and it sounds like such an interesting book. I'd definitely want to read it.

  8. Ooh this one sounds really good but different. I've seen it around but never read a review so thanks. =]

  9. I have this one on my wishlist, though I'm not sure when I'll be able to get to it since my next four months are jam-packed...but cool! Thank you for the review!

  10. This one sounds really interesting. I hadn't heard anything about it before this review (not really surprising, since it was written by a foreign author).

  11. Ooo, I like it already. WANT.

  12. This book sounds so good! It is definitely going on my list.


  13. I'm so glad this one is going to be in the contest. Yay!


  14. I've heard good things about this book. It's been on my wishlist.

  15. I love how the cover is so simple but very eye catching. I like the idea of the mirror the most. Glad you liked it. Thanks for the review.

  16. Nice review, I hadn't heard of that book either.
    I'll confess that I never read book covers before I read a book, I like to be suprised =P

  17. endlessbooks the cover is indeed very nice =)

  18. I'm definitely going to have to read this soon. It sounds really original.

  19. I have not heard of this title before, but it sounds like a very interesting story. Another one to check out at the library!


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