
Monday, October 25, 2010

It's Monday, What are you Reading?

This fantastic meme is now hosted by Sheila at One Person's Journey Through a World of Books.

Read this past week:
Alien Invasion and Other Inconveniences by Brian Yansky
The Fairy-Tale Detectives by Michael Buckley
Guardian of the Gate
by Michelle Zink

Currently Reading:
Sacred Scars by Kathleen Duey (for some reason this audiobook is taking me ages...)
The Hole in the Wall by Lisa Rowe Fraustino

Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick (maybe...)

Not sure what else yet...

Posted last week:
A Spooktastic ARC Giveaway
Interview with Brenna Yovanoff + Giveaway

I need to get my act together and review some books this week - for serious. :)


  1. It is easy to get behind in the reviews. You did some good reading this week.

  2. You had a good week.... I am off to nose around your reviews :)

  3. Look For Me By Moonlight
    by Mary Downing Hahn liking it so far...

  4. I'm also behind on reviews; I've got four books and two movies that I want to write about but just have no motivation to do.

  5. These are all new titles to me and all look very interesting!


  6. Enjoy your books. Not listed in my post are the ton and a half of peer reviewed journal articles I read. Here's what I'm reading this week.

  7. I'm finally reading WAKE by Lisa McMann. Been in my TBR pile for ages. It's great so far; hope it stays that way! :)

  8. Oh Crescendo...I can't wait til I get to the bookstore to buy this one! So excited!!! Hope you enjoy it!!!

  9. We have Guardians at the Gate in our TBR piles! My Not-So-Bebe Girl flew through Hush Hush and is currently reading Crescendo - it seems like a fast and absorbing read!

    Julie @ Knitting and Sundries


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