
Tuesday, December 29, 2009


by Scott Westerfeld

Alex is the son of the Archduke of Austria. When he finds out his parents have been murdered, he takes off with some of his father's trusted advisors to hide out until the war blows over.

Deryn Sharp is a girl that wants to be airborn in the British Air service. In order to join, she has to pretend she's a boy and prove that she's got what it takes. Bad weather takes her on her first test way farther than she was supposed to go and ends up getting picked up by the Leviathan - a massive air ship that is made out of part whale and other animals.

I love the parallel this takes to World War I and add in some seriously cool machines and Darwinistic creations, it makes for an interesting setting. The main plot is one familiar (that of WWI) so you end up paying attention to all the cool characters and various new aspects of a world quite unlike our own. I wasn't aware it was part of a series so I was like wait.. how many pages do I have left?

Definitely will be reading on in this series. I love the illustrations and am glad I own a finished copy of this book as it is GORGEOUS! Another big thanks to Gregory @ Teens Read and Write for picking it out for my secret santa gift. :)

5/5 Roses


  1. Thanks for the review, cant wait to get my hands on this book! I loooove Scott Westerfeld! :)

  2. Great review! I still have Uglies sitting on the shelf. I need to read it. This one sounds fantastic, too.

  3. I heard so many good things about this book..can't wait to read it.

    Thanks for the review.

  4. What a wonderful review :) This has been sitting on my shelf forever...I really should push it closer to the top of my list.

  5. i really, REALLY want to read this book!! thanks for the review :)

  6. Nice review! I've only heard good things about Leviathan, so I'll have to pick it up soon.

  7. Good review. Sounds like a very different setting, kind of curious to see what its like.

  8. I cant wait to read this one. I met Scott in March of 2009 and he was showing some of the illustrations. Amazing.

  9. SW is one of my favorite authors, so I am really excited to read this one.

  10. Ah, great book! This one rocked it out. Can't wait for Behemoth!

  11. The reviews I've read so far haven't been that promising, which is terrible since I really love the Uglies series. This review got me excited for this book again. Thanks!

  12. I'm so happy you enjoyed Leviathan. I loved it and so did Jake (Alyssa hasn't gotten to it yet). Great creativity and imagination and the cover is cool too. Happy New Year!

  13. Sounds cool! Love the unusual plot.

  14. I love him, but I'm not sure if I'll like steampunk books

  15. I keep seeing this book in stores and it looks really good. Didn't know it was the first in a series. Thanks for the review!

  16. I have a copy of this on my bookshelf and its just waiting to be read and reviewed.

  17. Is it geeky of me that when I saw this at the library I did a little jig?

  18. Great review! This has been on my shelf for months xD

  19. Can't wait to read this book! I'm glad it received such a good rating.



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