I want to welcome today a blogger after my own heart. She reads and reviews Urban Fantasy books, which is a genre of books that I absolutely adore! I have to thank her for leading me to Barbara's Design website, who recently designed both my blog and Abigail's! Without further ado...
Name: Abigail
Nickname and/or blog name: All Things Urban Fantasy
Blog URL:http://allthingsurbanfantasy.blogspot.com/
Tell me a bit about yourself.
I’ve been a book lover from birth, but I discovered my current love for All Things Urban Fantasy after getting hooked on Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Spike!!). I was pretty bummed when the show got canceled, so I started hunting for new ways to get my fix and stumbled across Patricia Brigg’s Mercy Thompson series and that pretty much solidified my love for the urban fantasy genre.
When and why did you start your blog?
I had been a long time lurker of several blogs dedicated to paranormal books and had been toying with the idea of starting my own blog because I was used to writing reviews for everything I read for awhile already and posting on different book sites. I took the plunge in the middle of September and have been loving it ever since.
What is your blog all about? Any cool features you want to share?
As the title says: All Things Urban Fantasy, Where Para is Normal. My blog focuses on the Urban Fantasy genre (crossing over into Dark Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, Paranormal YA etc.) and provides honest reviews that break down my favorite elements of the genre, keep readers up to date on upcoming releases, author info, interviews, giveaways, and All Things Urban Fantasy. I have a bunch of features that I’m proud of: 2nd Opinion Reviews, Character Profiles, Editorials, and Genre Swap Saturday.
What are some of your favorite genres and/or books currently?
I love Patricia Brigg’s Mercy Thompson series, and Ilona Andrew’s Kate Daniel series. And even though I’m ten years older than Bella, I’m still a Twilight fan.
How do you find out about the books you read?
I read book blogs primarily. Scifiguy.ca and FantasyDreamersRambling.blogspot.com both always have a good round of of upcoming books. Now that I have my blog, I subscribe/follow/sign up for just about every Urban Fantasy author’s site/blog that I can (adding new ones everyday) so I usually know as soon as anyone about new books. And of course I pass that info along to readers of my blog.
Any tips or advice for those starting or thinking about starting a blog?
Lots. Practically: Get a 3 column blog layout; visit and comment on like blogs/sites, specifically authors blogs; post everyday; use Windows Live Writer; BE PROFESSIONAL when communicating with authors and publishers; Use LinkWithin; Review books at least once a week; Respond to your comments; Don’t use canned interview questions with authors or expect canned responses…I’m sure there’s more but I’m still learning too :)
Contest Alert!!!
Abigail is giving away 3 copies of Three Days to Dead by Kelly Meding (Ends December 23rd). Also, if you vote by December 30th for the 1st Urban Fantasy Cover Art Awards you can win big! For more information go here.
Thank you Abigail for telling us all about your blog! Check her out guys, her new blog design is rockin' and so are her reviews!
Are you a new blogger too? Or just getting back into the swing of blogging? Do you want to be featured on my blog? Shoot me an email at dragonzgoil (at) gmail (dot) com.
Spike!!! Buffy is certainly a perfect way to get into urban fantasy/paranormal.
ReplyDeleteGreat interview with an awesome blogger.
Thanks for opening my eyes to another great blogger
ReplyDeleteFun! I love learning about new blogs and I definitely want to check out that contest.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Kristen! and yes, Barbara is amazing
ReplyDeleteLove her blog! It's one of my favorites. Of course, I'm biased because Abigail IS one of my affiliates, but still it's awesome. Check it out if you haven't already!
ReplyDeleteWow - great spotlight! I love Abigail's blog and I just became a follwer :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Kristen!
Thanks for another great spotlight.
ReplyDeleteGreat spotlight. This is a new blog that is definitely a good find thanks for the heads up.
ReplyDeleteHer blog is awesome, I love love Urban Fantasy!
ReplyDeleteShe does have a great blog. Urban fantasy is the favorite genre in the Kirk household! Thanks for the interview!
ReplyDeleteIm going to check this blog out. =)
ReplyDeleteAbigail is doing amazing things at her blog and is one of my daily stops.
ReplyDeleteLove her blog!
ReplyDeleteI was just at this blog a few minutes ago. I love it!! :) She has some great stuff on there.