
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sunday Spotlight - What Book is That?

The next best thing to being a librarian is being a teacher! And Emily is just that. A lover of books and kids... warms my heart as an elementary school librarian. Check out what her blog is all about below!

Name: Emily
Blog name: What Book is That? is my blog
Twitter: @heynocupcake
Blog URL:

Tell me a bit about yourself.
I'm a pretty voracious reader and always have been, and now I'm a preschool teacher so I get to pass that love of books on to kids! I'm also currently a candidate for an master's degree in early childhood special education and expect to graduate in May 2010. I like to knit, although I'm only really good at one stitch so far, so there's definitely room for improvement in that department.

When and why did you start your blog?
I started blogging at the end of August 2009- I thought about the reviews I post on other sites and the conversations I have with friends about books and realized that I definitely things to say about the books I read.

What is your blog all about? Any cool features you want to share?
My blog is devoted to books, reading, and interesting things that come up that I think other readers would enjoy. I tend to approach the whole reading thing with a serious dollop of humor so a lot of other things I see in my internet travels find their way into my posts as well. I do a weekly feature called Illustrated Friday where I spotlight an interesting, unique or just plain beautiful illustrated book, and I'm also an HBIC at Blog With Bite Reviews, a blogging community devoted to paranormal romance and urban fantasy reviews, where we party all the time indeed. I'm also doing a contest at my blog where the winner will get all six books in Lara Adrian's Midnight Breeds series, check out my blog for details!

What are some of your favorite genres and/or books currently?
I definitely enjoy paranormal romance and urban fantasy, along with a healthy dose of mysteries, historical fiction (or even better, historical mysteries,) and science fiction and fantasy. My all time favorite book is Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates by Tom Robbins, but really I'll give anything a chance. One thing that book blogging has done for me is gotten me to finish books that I wouldn't have given a second thought to before, and some of them have ended up pretty enjoyable, which is nice.

How do you find out about the books you read?
I swap book recommendations with people all the time, but the majority of my titles come from the library, other people's book blogs, or from Paperback Swap. My TBR pile is absolutely enormous but you know what, that's fine by me!

Any tips or advice for those starting or thinking about starting a blog?
Once you decide to start a blog, go for it! There isn't a right or wrong way to do it and it's a great way to connect with people and find out about books that might interest you. After you have your blog set up, check out the social networking sites that are out there, follow people on Twitter, and above all, comment on other people's blogs! I've found a lot of interesting blogs and have ended up as a follower because of something interesting that that person posted in the comments on a totally different site! Above all else, enjoy what you're doing, and the rest really will take care of itself.

Contest Alert!
Emily is holding a contest for some Lara Adrian books that will end December 16th! Check it out here.

Thank you Emily for taking some time out. I'm already in love with her blog myself and I hope you will be too!

Are you a new blogger too? Or just getting back into the swing of blogging? Do you want to be featured on my blog? Shoot me an email at dragonzgoil (at) gmail (dot) com.


  1. This is a great meme. I love discovering all these new bloggers!!!

  2. I think a good dollop of humor is needed every once and a while. Nice spotlight. I enjoy checking out all these other blogs!

  3. Good interview! Sounds like a great blog and I love the icon. :D

  4. Thank you thank you! Here is the link to my contest, come on over and enter!

  5. Great interview. Love learning about new bloggers.

  6. Another great Spotlight! Thanks Kristen!

  7. Great inteview. It's always good to find new bloggers.

  8. Teachers rock! They work so tirelessly and most of the time they are under appreciated!

  9. Great interview. I will go now to check out her blog.

  10. Great interview! Sounds like a blog I need to check out.

  11. Yay! Wonderful spotlight and interview! I went right over and added Emily to my Blogger list. Thanks!

  12. Haha I love the picture "Keep calm and have a cupcake" - yes ma'am! I love these chances to discover new blogs. She sounds awesome! I would love to be a teacher some day too :)

  13. Yet another really clever blog title. I'm so impressed.


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