
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday Spotlight - Booknerds Are Pretty Too

Today, I have a fun blogger with me, whose blog name says it all - Booknerds are Pretty Too. Her blog is a lot of fun, so check out what it's all about below!

Name: Shantal
Nickname and/or blog name: Booknerds Are Pretty Too
Blog URL:

Tell me a bit about yourself.

Well, what can I say about myself? I am a 20+ Graphic Designer that, of course, love to read amongst other things. I love to spend my time between my husband and my 2 lovely puppies. Currently planning on taking another degree as chef, I also teach art to elementary school children.

When and why did you start your blog?

On 2007 I joined wanting to be up to date on new books and friend recommendations. 2 years later my life slowed a bit allowing me to dedicate more time to my passion for reading. At that time I realized that I needed a personal space on the net where I were able to express my thoughts about the books I read, one thing led to another and there I was, writing my first review.

What is your blog all about? Any cool features you want to share?

In my blog I write about books and their whole universe, authors, recommendations, reviews, reading challenges, etc. I am about to start performing interviews with some authors and I will add some contests where you will be able to earn prizes such as books or other book related goodies, I am just waiting for my budget to allow me to do that. ;)

What are some of your favorite genres and/or books currently?

For the genre I prefer the Young Adult but I usually like any kind, it all depends on my reading mood and if the book really makes me live the story. About books I can say that my latest favorite is Bleeding Violet and one of my all time favorites are the Jane Austen books.

How do you find out about the books you read?

It’s kind of a random process, some of the books are friend recommendations while others I just go to the library and pick them up, maybe because I like the name, I know the author, I like the cover ;), it can be anything really if the book catches my sight I must have it.

Any tips or advice for those starting or thinking about starting a blog?

Don’t be afraid to write, to ask other blog authors, to express and be yourself. Visit other blogs and make friends because it is all about having fun. Enjoy reading the books as much as writing about them.

Thank you Shantal for stopping by today. She's got a fun blog that you guys need to go and check out!

If you're interested in being a spotlighted blogger, please fill out this form.


  1. I love this feature on your blog! It's great to find out about new blogs. I'm already Shantal's follower, but it was great to read this post anyways.

    from Une Parole

  2. This is such a fun feature. I comment over at Booknerds are PRetty Too and she always has great recommendations! :)

  3. Great feature! I love her blog URL! :)


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