
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Holiday Break Reading Challenge Activity #10

Holiday Break Reading Challenge

So, for today's activity, Karin asked us to tell what we gave book-wise as gifts or received.

Christmas gifts I gave:

I am fortunate to have married into a family of readers (only my mother reads consistently in my family) and here's what I gave them this year:

To my Mother-in-Law:

To my Sister-In-Law Julia (18 yrs old):

(And a Linger tank top)

(I got a huge hug from her, because I gave her Shiver last year and she LOVED it.)

To my Sister-In-Law Amanda (16 years old):

I picked my favorites of this year to give them, so I hope they love them! :)

Christmas gifts I received!

Oh.. and one of these:

A Kindle WiFi with a cool leather case. :) Sooooo happy!


  1. I love that you got books you can hold and a Kindle. I took my Kindle on my recent trip (loaded with 4 books to read) and really loved that my luggage wasn't extra heavy from books. But, when I am not traveling, I must admit I want to hold an old fashioned book in my hands.

  2. I love just holding books in hand and reading. Maybe for my birthday I will get some books since -sadly- I received none for Christmas.


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