Hello bloggers! Today I have another fun blogger from across the world - the Philippines! Her blog is so cute and I love the content in it! Learn more about Precious and her blog Fragments of Life below!
Name: Precious
Blog name: Fragments of Life
Blog URL: http://shusky20.blogspot.com/
Tell me a bit about yourself.
I'm 18 years old and I'm just a bit taller than Alice Cullen. No kidding. I didn't get my dad's tall gene - too bad for me.
I'm taking up BA European Languages, major in Spanish and minor in Creative Writing in the University of the Philippines. Sometimes I still can't believe that I'm a bookworm now. A long time ago, this seems impossible. Now, I can't seem to stop reading. Apart from reading, I also write. Long before I found the wonderful world of YA, I was a poetess and I still am. Lately, I've been compelled and inspired to write short stories and my hopefully-soon-to-be-novel. I can't imagine not writing because every time I go out in the streets, I can see different stories unfolding before my eyes - waiting to be told. And I'll make sure that I'll write them and share them to the world.
Oh, and I’m fascinated by angels.
When and why did you start your blog?
I actually started this blog in October 2009. But at that time, I was posting my literature in the blog. I’ve encountered problems because of that – turns out I can’t enter my piece to contests if they are published in my blog. Then after a while, I just stopped. In December 2009, I stumbled upon the YA community here. Then just last month, a thought popped in my head. Since I’m spending all my money on books and I’m devoting a huge chunk of my time to reading, why not write book reviews? Then, voila! Fragments of Life was reborn.
What is your blog all about? Any cool features you want to share?
My blog is all about YA books and my thoughts about them. I try to relate the events in the books to reality, in personal and social contexts.
Features? I’m starting Memes such as:
1. Fast Forward Monday – features books that will be released in the next three months.
2. Since I'm fascinated by angels, I decided to start Angelic Friday – weekly feature of books that explore the lives of angels, nephilims and fallen angels.
3. Heavenly Saturday - features verses from the Bible that can spark inspirations within our lives.
4. I have noticed that a lot of booklovers are actually aspiring writers! That discovery led to the birth of Writing on Tuesday, a meme wherein authors do a guest posts that aim to share their experiences and writing tips to aspiring writers.
5. Spotted is a weekly post that doesn't have an exact day in which I post it. I want the post to be able to adjust to the interviewees' schedule. It features authors and their books, mostly debut authors. Spotted can be composed of an interview, an excerpt, a trailer or...who knows? Maybe even a contest in the future.
What are some of your favorite genres and/or books currently?
I love YA!! My favorite genre is paranormal romance. I can’t seem to get over it and I don’t plan to. I guess, I just want something extraordinary.
My favorite book is Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. I can’t wait for the sequel! My other favorite books are Hush, hush by Becca Fitzpatrick, The Dark Divine by Bree Despain, and Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater.
How do you find out about the books you read?
From time to time, I check the B&N site and of course, I find out about good books through other book blogs. Usually, upon seeing a new book in Waiting on Wednesday posts, I make sure that I add it to my wishlist with the date of release.
Any tips or advice for those starting or thinking about starting a blog?
1. Don’t get discouraged. I know the feeling. Sometimes it feels like no one reads your blog. But hey, you’re just starting. It will take some time for people to know about your blog.
2. Try to find time to update your blog. As a student who needs to maintain grades, I know what it’s like. Sometimes I go home and I don’t feel like updating. But that’s bad! I’ve found a new way to prevent that. Upon reading a book, I do the review while the reading experience is still fresh. So that by the time that I need to update, all I have to do is type it.
3. Write good quality reviews. Give it all you’ve got! Say what you want to say – apart from spoilers. Reviews in a way are interpretations. Write your own interpretation, that way, it will be truly unique.
Thank you Precious for sharing a bit about your blog and yourself! Check her out, you guys won't be disappointed! :)
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