
Friday, August 27, 2010

From Dusk Till Dawn Read-a-thon


I'm running a little late posting about this, but I have been reading a little - I do work at a school so most nights I'm not up past 10 or 11, but at least it's incentive to curl up with a book a few hours before bedtime.

So far I've finished Pegasus by Robin McKinley - a book I've been struggling through for 3 weeks. It's just.. a little slow - more about politics and relationships than action, violence and romance... That's what I read last night - took me from 9 to 10 to finish it off. :) I had about 50 pages left.

The night before I read Mockinjay - not all of it, but probably a good 100 pages between 8 and 10 (when I went to bed).

So, tonight I will be reading Peter & Max by Bill Willingham, which is a great story so far. I'm 180 pages in so we'll see how long I can stay up to read. At least I can sleep in tomorrow!

As for some of the fun activities, I've been low key so far.

Reading Through Life asked us what food we would eat if we had to fast all day and only eat after sunset.

Well, I would eat/drink...

- A big fruit salad
- Toasted Bread and Artichoke Dip
- Marshmallows - I don't know why but I love just eating marshmallows.
- Chai Tea lattes - nommm put some whipped cream and cinnamon on top and yummm.

I know, I'm weird. Here's some pictures of these yummy dishes:

So, that's it for me. How have you guys been doing? :)


  1. I've been pretty low key too! But I just finished Mockingjay last night and I am really bummed :0( I think you either love it or are left feeling empty... can't wait to see what you think.

    You have an award waiting

  2. That chai latte looks absolutely to die for. Thanks for joining in!

  3. If I had to fast all day and not eat until evening I'd be one grouchy gal,lol
    But I'd definitely want a hot meal for that dinner of something like roast beef, mashed potatoes and green beans and then a glass of ice lemon tea. When I'm really hungry I crave traditional hot meals for some reason.

  4. LOL better late than never - and your doing awesome - man 3 books! Heck!! That's awesome, I wish I read faster! :D


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