
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Saturday Spotlight - Mrs. Q: Book Addict

Today we have a blogger whose blog I have fallen in love with. Learn more about her below!

Name: Jennifer
Nickname and/or blog name: Mrs. Q: Book Addict
Blog URL:

Tell me a bit about yourself.

My name is Jennifer, and I love books, gadgets and the color pink. I love reading because it is endless learning. I do wish I was a faster reader, but when I try I feel like I'm missing out. I admire readers who read multiple books at a time and finish 5+ books a week. I don't think I can ever do that. I do feel overwhelmed at times when I look at all the books I want to read, I wonder if I will get through them all in my lifetime. I'm sure most readers feel this way. They're constantly new books coming out, or books we are uncovering that we want to read.

When and why did you start your blog?

I started my blog to keep track of all the books I was reading. I wanted to write reviews in order to reflect on what I was reading. It's a great way to look back and see what you thought about a book. It's also great to look at the books I've read and feel accomplished when I see my TBR pile getting larger. It's great to share my reviews with others.

What is your blog all about? Any cool features you want to share?

I'm a diverse reader and you will find a wide range of books being reviewed. I love Mailbox Monday, and Teaser Tuesday! I love receiving comments, and frequently comment on others blogs as well. I love quotes as well, and on Friday's I love to post quotes from books or about books. My favorite at the moment is "The possession of a book becomes a substitute for reading it." by Anthony Burgess. I think this sums up my endless TBR pile. Sometimes I buy books knowing it will be a while before I will get to it, somehow owning the book makes me feel better. I feel as if I'm one step closer to reading it.

What are some of your favorite genres and/or books currently?

Lately, I've been enjoying Historical fiction, and Contemporary Fiction. I'm very curious about Christian Fiction and have a few that I will be reading shortly. I'm a very diverse reader and you will find many genres on my blog. I don't usually read Romance, but I will try it. I also love Young Adult fiction.

How do you find out about the books you read?

At the moment, review books. I've been lucky to be in contact with many publishers, and they are sending me great books! I love reading other blogs, and enjoy their suggestions as well. My TBR pile has been growing and growing!

Any tips or advice for those starting or thinking about starting a blog?

Keep blogging fun, it's not about free books or how many books you can read. It's about your love of books. I think honest reviews are credible. I'm really enjoying my experience, and love meeting new bloggers.

Thanks again Jennifer for stopping by today!

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  1. Thanks for spotlighting Jennifer, I have been following her blog for ages and I really love it

  2. Great spotlight!

    You have an award on my blog:

  3. Thanks for spotlighting me today! I really love your blog as well.


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